Lava Lakes

I recently watched a program on TV about a Lava Lake in Ethiopia. I only saw the last part of the show, and I cannot remember the title. It was however, on the NatGeo channel.

It was quite interesting to learn that there was a lava lake in Ethiopia – one of only 5 in existence. It is called Erta Ale. Little is known about this particular lake as it is located in a very unforgiving, inhospitable environment. One must trek through extreme desert temperatures and endure a few day trip just to reach the lake located in one of the lowest, hottest places on Earth. Not to mention, the locals aren’t friendly and attacks on tourists are common. 5 scientists were killed there last year by gunmen. It is common that tourists hire personal police and security just to visit the site.

So what could make someone actually want to go visit a place like Erta Ale? Geology! Lying close to the northernmost reach of Africa’s Great Rift Vally, it is a unique landscape more than 300 feet below sea level where volcanic and tectonic activity is still actively pulling subterranean plates apart.

Anyway, it was interesting just to see the last few minutes of the show and I thought it was a cool topic to share.